Welcome to Pirouette Dance Studio!

Registration for our 2023-24 dance season is now closed.

Mini Ballet Term 3 starts on Saturday, April 13. There are still a few spots available! See the Registration page for links to the on-line registration system.

Summer 2024 - Registration opens Friday March 1. We have a variety of Full-Day Camps, Half-Day Camps, and Intensives on offer. See the Summer page for more information. Register early to secure your spot!

We hope you enjoy exploring our website, and finding out more about our studio and its goals: to encourage hard work and commitment, to help our dancers achieve their goals, and to do so in a caring, safe, inclusive, and fun environment.

We are proud to offer a range of programs and options for all dancers, from pre-schoolers and once-a-week dancers up to advanced company dancers competing in festivals and taking exams. The highlight of the year for the whole studio is the Year-End Show, which is held each spring at the UVic Farquhar Auditorium, and which represents the culmination of the year’s work and achievements.  

Our two studios are located at 2033 Belmont Avenue. Upstairs, we have a large studio space with barres, mirrors, and a marley dance floor. Studio 2 is downstairs in the same building, and is a slightly smaller space, also with barres, mirrors, and a marley dance floor. There is ample parking in the lot behind, and dressing rooms/washroms in each space.

Please take a minute to view our website and learn more about our studio. We look forward to welcoming you into our studio family.